VBS Leadership Training 2024

VBS Leadership Training 2024  We want to invite all our leaders to join us on April 16th. at Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church! We believe VBS is one of the most successful community outreaches our churches can do. It reaches children and families in their communities as...

Abiding Retreat Payment

Abiding Retreat 2022 Thank you for registering for our Abiding in His Presence Retreat 2022. We are excited that you will be a part of this time with God and that you can rest, renew, and refresh in Gods presence!  Choose your payment Below you can choose your payment...

Everyday Disciple

Everyday Disciple Workshop – now FREE! About this event Our workshop sessions will give you Gospel foundations and practical tools to equip your people for making disciples of Jesus in community with their family and friends. You’ll be given ample time to...

Bigger Gospel

BIGGER GOSPEL COHORT Join other church leaders as we study Caesar Kalinowski´s book together and work on our Gospel Fluency.   Bigger Gospel will help you develop the confidence and grace to speak the truth in love-first to your self-and then with others in a way...

21CST Landing

Church Strengthening Church Strengthening Team Ministries - Resources - Training Adult Bible Study and Discipleship Adult small groups and personal discipleship training Contact James [email protected] Preschool and Children Vacation Bible School,...