Recently, an acquaintance of mine had one of her videos go viral on social media. After viewing the video, I read a few of the comments that were written. The initial posted comments were all very positive. However, just a few comments down, one viewer shared what...
Over these past few months of social distancing, I have become extremely familiar with every square inch inside the four walls of my house. This extended time period has brought about the spirit of renovation in my family (or at least in me and they have graciously...
My family recently discovered an older science-fiction television series (yes, we are nerds). During one episode, a familiar scene unfolded as the main character was faced with a choice to sacrifice himself to save another. In this instance, however, the one facing...
Several pew cushions have lost their fluff, one of the speakers in the sanctuary cuts in and out, and you are not entirely sure of the original carpet color in the fellowship hall. Your running list of needed renovations grows, but the building budget has long since...
A few days ago, my family was getting ready for dinner when Home for the Holidays began playing. “Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays ‘Cause no matter how far away you roam When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze For the holidays you...