New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas received a grant from the Gladys Moore Missions Offering to provide hot meals to seniors who are unable to cook for themselves. Volunteers cook the meals at the church building, and then deliver them to their...
Lifechanger Internships Lifechangers is a 10-week internship opportunity for young adults ages 18 to 25. Lifechanger interns serve Dallas Baptist Association churches in a variety of community and family ministry opportunities. Our Church Needs a Lifechanger Request...
Dallas Cup Hospitality Center Each year during the spring, DBA churches provide food and friendship to international youth soccer teams participating in Dallas Cup. The hospitality center is located at First Baptist Church, Richardson. More than 200 players and...
Billy Earl Dade Community Garden The Gladys Moore Missions Offering gave a gift to provide fencing for a community garden at Billy Earl Dade Middle School in South Dallas. Kayla Valis and Rachel Kolm, both of the Village Church Northway, coordinated the construction...