

Most Requested

How to Join DBA

Churches working together to fulfill the Great Commission

Job Openings

Pastorless churches, internships, request or submit a resume


Media resources and a community event trailer are available for rent by active DBA churches. Portable baptistries are available free of charge to active DBA churches.

Find a Church

DBA churches are found in almost every neighborhood of Dallas and Rockwall Counties.

All Resources

How to Join DBA

Churches working together to fulfill the Great Commission

Child Protection Policies

Recommended elements of your church’s child protection policy


Media resources and a community event trailer are available for rent by active DBA churches. Portable baptistries are available free of charge to active DBA churches.

Loans and Grants

Discover various sources for church grants, loans for churches of all sizes, etc.

Suggested Reading

Books, Articles and Podcasts



Want to give something away or have a need for something? Let us know.

Job Openings

Pastorless churches, internships, request or submit a resume

Mt. Lebanon Camp

An ideal setting for teaching, worship, fellowship and spiritual growth for many types of groups.

Banking and Legal Info

How to open a bank account, 501c3 status, incorporation, tax exemption, constitution and bylaws