Focus Initiative
Hear Their Cry
A collaboration between Dallas Baptist Association and Texas Baptists
“The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17 (NLT)
Engage in the prevention, intervention, and restoration among those who are vulnerable to human trafficking in Dallas and Rockwall counties.
- Host a Human Trafficking 101 basic training workshop, supply items for safe houses, participate in an outreach, become a pen pal to a survivor, or provide respite for care givers through the Poiema Foundation.
- .Provide survivor care bags, serve once a month in the TRAPS program at juvenile detention facilities, or provide encouragement on the survivor celebration team through Traffick911.
- Mentor a young mom at Viola’s House.
- Help furnish an apartment for a young adult aging out of foster care through Simplest Gifts.
- Support a child in the foster care system through an affiliation with Second Story.