Love God, Love Your Neighbor
Smaller Church Leadership
Pastors of churches with fewer than 200 people in average worship attendance are encouraged to participate in the Allied Baptist Churches of Dallas (ABCD) network. Pastors meet monthly for inspiration, fellowship, and sharing resources. The meetings include prayer, praise, a study from the Bible to inspire pastoral and personal growth, and a time to plan joint ministry projects. The pastors value the opportunity to share hurts, challenges, concerns, successes, and ideas in a safe environment.
Gary McCaleb| 214-537-6794
Meeting Dates
The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at the DBA office at 8001 East R L Thornton Frwy in Dallas, 75228. The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. Please let Gary McCaleb know if you plan to attend. The meeting will also be available via Zoom. A link will be sent to you to participate.
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