Rest. Refresh. Renew.

April 7-9, 2024 at Mt. Lebanon

Annual Multi-Day Retreat

The Abiding in His Presence retreat is an experience through which church leaders can get away and and have the opportunity to abide in the presence of God. They have the opportunity to:

  • learn about and safely share their personal experiences of growing in five biblical formation areas: spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, and missional.
  • practice spiritual disciplines to facilitate growth in these areas of formation.
  • foster patterns for lifelong spiritual health.

The retreat is organized around times of group learning and sharing as well as personal time to complete self-selected exercises that will enrich participants’ spiritual, physical, emotional, relational, and missional formation.

View a sample retreat schedule





1. Who can attend? This retreat is for pastors, church staff, and volunteer ministry leaders in local churches.

2. Can I attend just for part of the retreat? No. We ask that you participate in the entire retreat from Sunday evening until Tuesday afternoon. By doing so, you will be able to spend a significant amount of time “unplugged” from daily routines and “plugged in” to this opportunity to renew and refresh spiritually.

3. Do I have to pay online? Can I pay by check instead? Yes, you can mail a check if you prefer. Please print the registration form, available here. Mail the registration form, with your check, to the address indicated on the form.

4. How much does it cost? The cost is $50 per participant for those who attend Dallas Baptist Association churches. This includes your lodging, materials, and meals expense. If your spouse attends with you, and you are sharing a hotel room, your spouse can attend for free.

If you do not attend a DBA church, the cost is $150 for a single person or a married couple.

5. I’ve attended Abiding retreats in the past. Is this one any different? Yes. After many great years of retreats, Abiding leadership has significantly revised the structure of the retreat. There is less classroom time and more time for the actual practice of spiritual disciplines. Participants will be given a personal journal that contains several “experiences” that can be completed to enrich each area of formation: spiritual, physical, emotional, relational, and missional. These experiences will be debriefed in small group settings.


Questions? James Pendergrast | 214.324.2803

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