DBA’s 2022 Drill will be Sunday, March 27 th.
Place: Inspiration Church
Drills begin at 2:00 p.m.
The Bible Drill is subject to any change due to the pandemic of COVID-19. We hope to have each meeting without any problem; however, we suggest you check our website for any needed changes or updates!
Every spring, DBA hosts the following events for DBA churches:
- Children’s Bible Drill (for children in grades 4-6)
- Youth Bible Drill (for students in grades 7-9)
- High School Bible Drill (for students in grades 10-12)
- Speakers’ Tournament (for students in grades 10-12)
All groups must be registered by December 29,2021 at 8:00 a.m. DBA must receive all participant information by 8:00 a.m. on the Tuesday before the drill, which will be March 22nd. For that, church drills should occur no later than Sunday, March 20th. Participants will be divided into drill groups. Leaders can make requests for early drill time, late drill time etc, and attempts will be made to accommodate the requests – but cannot be promised. Likewise, churches with more than one drill group can request different drill times for each group, but this is not always possible either.
Registration will begin at 1:30 pm. Participants should be in their getting-ready rooms 15 minutes prior to their event.
State Convention Drills
Click here for BGCT information.
Click here for SBTC information.
Children’s Bible Drill Demonstration
Click here for a demonstration of a drill from LifeWay. It shows drills with no mistakes and also points out some mistakes.