Join us in this incredible opportunity to serve and share the gospel with soccer players from all nations!

March 25-28, 2024
First Baptist Church, Richardson

Monday – Thursday
10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Every year DBA churches host a hospitality center for the teams participating in the Dallas Cup international soccer tournament. Churches are invited to host a half-day (either 9-2 or 2-7). Hosting means that your church provides a team of 5-8 volunteers and meals for 250 soccer players and coaches. You’ll meet players and coaches from South America, Central America, Europe, Asia, The Caribbean, and the other U.S. States. This is an excellent opportunity to be an international missionary in your own community!

Questions? Chelsie Hoard | 214.319.1155

5 + 12 =

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Join us in this incredible opportunity to serve and share the gospel with soccer players from all nations!

April 3-6, 2023
First Baptist Church, Richardson

Monday – Thursday
10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 

Every year DBA churches host a hospitality center for the teams participating in the Dallas Cup international soccer tournament. Churches are invited to host a half-day (either 9-2 or 2-7). Hosting means that your church provides a team of 5-8 volunteers and meals for 250 soccer players and coaches. You’ll meet players and coaches from South America, Central America, Europe, Asia, The Caribbean, and the other U.S. States. This is an excellent opportunity to be an international missionary in your own community!

Questions? Chelsie Hoard | 214.319.1155

3 + 6 =

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