DFW’s diversity is increasing more rapidly by the day. More than 350 distinct languages are spoken in DFW’s homes, and most of these precious people need to find a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the development of ongoing on-site prayer in each of the 10 DFW Prayer Zones.
On to the Fields
After social distancing people are open to meeting others. Pray for teams to move on to the land to meet Persons of Peace God has prepared. Develop a plan to be in the harvest field each week. Suggestion: Visit a Farmer’s Market or attend World Refugee Day on 6/19. Pray Luke 10:2
Lord empower us as ambassadors to reach the nations.
Saving Face
Individual Asians, particularly Chinese, continue to be blamed for Covid – even those born in the US. Dialogue. Exhibit kindness. Seek their safety and honor. Pray for Discovery Encounters in which Asians experience the God who saves face and declares “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame” (Rom 10:11).
The Hope of Glory
Indians living in north Texas have been shaken by Covid’s spread in India. May our neighbors experience the hope of God’s glory. Visit an Indian market (Patel Brothers perhaps) and pray Colossians 1:27 & John 8:12 for everyone you see.
The July 2020 Global Prayer Digest focused on unreached people groups in DFW. The guide equally fits 2021. Distribute PDF copies of the guide to your networks. Catalyze prayer teams for July. Select a people group for ongoing prayer & ministry engagement. God raise up new intercessors for the ethnic groups in DFW who lack a clear understanding of You. PDF of guide available at: https://joshuaproject.net/assets/media/prayer/gpd/gpd-2020-07.pdf
Like Minded Intercession
Join a growing community of intercessors on Facebook at the group Pray4Texas DMM Prayer Team.
Global Family Prayer sponsors organized 24/7 prayer via Zoom. See tinyurl.com/gfp247. For example, to pray for Africans locally & globally join in at 9am on Saturdays.
Chicago77: Beginning July 29th, Prayercast.com will focus prayer on the 77 neighborhoods of Chicago for 40 days. Gain a vision for DFW. www.prayercast.com/chicago77.html
Prayer Triplets: 3 people praying for 3 Ps – partner, people, peacemaker. 1) Gather 2 partners & pray to be fruitful, 2) ID and pray for an unreached people group, and 3) ask God to lead disciples to Luke 10 Persons of Peace willing to host a Discovery Encounter. Respect one another’s time & stay focused. Grow the prayer group to 4 then multiply.