Funds from the Gladys Moore Missions Offering are available to qualifying Dallas Baptist Association churches to assist with the new simple/organic church starts.

To receive a grant, a church must be a cooperating member of the DBA.  This is demonstrated by

  • an established pattern of giving to the Association, and
  • having returned a current Annual Church Profile (ACP).

Churches are strongly urged to accept consultation and attend training to assist with the development of the project, if recommended.

Churches must also agree to report on God’s activity through the project, including photos.  This will help others see what God is doing through the Gladys Moore Mission Offering as well as through simple/organic church starts.

    Today's Date

    First Name

    Last Name

    Email Address

    Name of church, if any

    Mailing Address

    Mailing Address Line 2



    ZIP Code

    Briefly describe the new church's ministry

    Dollar amount you are requesting from DBA

    Projected Start Date

    If you are not a church planter, name of church planter

    Email address of church planter

    Attach additional information

    [bwscaptcha bwscaptcha-751]

    Funding for more traditional church starts is available through other channels.  Please  contact us for more information about these.

    Scott Coleman | 214.319.1163

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