Today's Date

    First Name

    Last Name

    Email Address

    My Church Is

    A fully-constituted church and a member of DBAA provisional member of DBAA church plant

    Name of church

    Church Address

    Church Address Line 2



    ZIP Code

    For good stewardship of these funds, please tell us the average amount of offerings to your church in 2019 (12-month average)

    What was the total amount of church offerings for March, 2020?

    Attach a copy of your church's current budget

    If your church has not given to DBA's general budget in either 2019 or 2020, please attached a letter stating your intention to begin contributing monthly to Dallas Baptist Association

    If you are not a church staff person, name of church staff contact

    Email address of church staff contact

    [bwscaptcha bwscaptcha-751]