- Presentation of recommendations to the Executive Board requires publication, either by letter, email, or on the Associational website, at least three days prior to the regular or called meeting in which it is to be considered. Such motions as may be made by members from the floor without prior committee consideration are to be automatically referred to the proper committee for consideration. (Approved by Executive Board Action March 30, 1992; Revised by Executive Board Action November 27, 2000; Revised by Executive Board Action September 29, 2014)
- Executive Board Prerequisites for Financial Assistance: No endorsement or approval for any form of financial assistance will be granted by the Executive Board unless:
1) a representative of the church is present,
2) an Annual Church Profile (ACP) has been received for the previous year if applicable,
3) and the church has demonstrated support through an established pattern of regular giving.
(Approved by Executive Board Action May 21, 1990; Revised by Executive Board Action November 27, 2000)
4) Church plants receiving funding assistance shall demonstrate their support of DBA according to their cooperative agreement.
(Approved by Executive Board Action April 24, 2000; Revised by Executive Board Action November 27, 2000; Revised by Executive Board Action September 29, 2014.)